Trees of Yosemite Forest Dynamic Plot
B.S. Capston Project
I spent three weeks in an intensive field experience in learning field ecology methods, natural history, and ecological theory. The fieldwork occurred on The Yosemite Forest Dynamics Plot (www.yfdp.org), a long-term study of forest community dynamics affiliated with the Smithsonian Institution. I spent multiple days in the field with professional ecologists and land managers from several organizations. I learned measuring techniques for forest research, how to plan and execute forest surveys, to correctly and accurately use traditional (compass, diameter tape, quadrats) and modern field equipment (Total Stations, lasers, GPS), an appreciation for required accuracy levels in measurements, and to document work and observations using a field notebook. I also learned the natural history and ecological theory, illustrated by the forest ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada, the Great Basin, and the White Mountains. I learned all woody species in the YFDP, tree pathogen and beetle identification, fire ecology, and the identity and importance of contributing causes of tree mortality.
Forest Management Plan (MFR Project):
The purpose of this Forest Management Plan is to provide the landowner with some basic information about the forest on Oxbow Ranch, together with some recommendations and suggestions for the continued stewardship of this resource. It is the author’s hope that with some planning guidelines, and periodic management activities, the forest resource will continue to increase in both volume and ecological value.
To provide for the health of the forest (including the wildlife that may use it), and in as much as activities of an aesthetic nature are compatible with a healthy forest, to provide for our enjoyment of the property, visually and recreationally. Ideally, the forest management plan will provide guidance not only during our ownership of the property (fifty years, give or take), but also to those who may own the property in the future.

Here are some current and past projects I am working on...Your's can be next!
Forest Inventory/Timber/Wood Products:
The assignment included FMU descriptions, timber cruises, stock/stand tables, and land owner recommendations and timely assignments are based on Trees per Acre (TPA) and Relative Density (RD).